Tyler Muth’s Blog

Technology with a focus on Oracle, Application Express and Linux

AWR Formatter 1.6 Released

Posted by Tyler Muth on July 12, 2011

I made some minor updates to my previously released Google Chrome Extension called AWR Formatter. Enhancements include:

  • Performance increased by 3x in rendering large AWR reports.
  • Added new tabs to SQL Popup for Query Plan, Color SQL, and AWR SQL Report

The new options in the SQL Popup expose features of the AWR repository that I don’t think many people are aware of, but I think are really useful.


If you already have it installed, it should update automatically and the version will say 1.6. If you do not have it installed:

I hope to add support for RAC reports soon…

53 Responses to “AWR Formatter 1.6 Released”

  1. karlarao said

    Hi Tyler,

    Can’t get hold of your email add.. but just a suggestion.. would be really nice if you can add an AAS column on the AWR Top Events.. just like what is shown here http://karlarao.tiddlyspot.com/#%5B%5BAAS%20investigation%5D%5D

    That’s on the Top Events tab -> Top 5 Timed Foreground Events section of the AWR formatter..

    BTW, the updates you’ve done when you click on the SQL TEXT is cool 🙂


    • Tyler Muth said


      I have “DB Time per Second” and “DB Time per Second per CPU” on the “Overview” tab. Would you like those simply copied to the Top Events tab? Maybe with the reads & writes per second stats?

      I should probably rename those AAS as I think the term is getting more prevalent.


      • karlarao said

        Hi Tyler,

        Sorry for the confusion, on the Top Events tab -> Top 5 Timed Foreground Events section of the AWR formatter..
        would be nice if you can add an AAS column similar to this.. http://goo.gl/DDOmI

        – Karl

  2. Kyle Hailey said

    Impressed with the last version so definitely looking forward to checking this version out.
    – Kyle Hailey

  3. It was awesome. It just got better. Keep it up.

  4. Vengata said

    Hi Tyler,

    This is an amazing utility for the DBA who needs to get more and fast out of an AWR reports. Amazing work.


  5. MrShh said

    Nice work.

    But is there a bug with the unit cycler under Load Profile?
    It converts the original value for Redo Size pr/second from 1,256,031.1 to 19,2GB ?? It gets the kB right but MB and GB seems wrong.

    Am I missing something?


  6. Tyler,

    Great piece of work. Cheers !

    One small question. Once i have formatted an AWR report, is there a way to go back to the original html display (ie remove the formatting) ?

    I can do that by refreshing the page but is there any other better way ?

    • Tyler Muth said

      Reload is the only way as I’m dramatically changing the HTML of the page. I should make this more clear.

  7. PC said

    I downloaded and installed the extension but when I open an AWR report, the extension does not do anything. I dont see any options to convert the report. What am I missing?


  8. cstmic said

    Hi Tyler,
    I downloaded and installed the extension but when I open an AWR report, the extension does not do anything. I dont see any options to convert the report. What am I missing?
    Thanks In advance

  9. Nitin said

    I am facing same issue, is there anything diff that needs to be done after installation.

    • Tyler Muth said

      Sorry you’re having problems with the extension. Here are a few hints:
      1. It only works on local files, ie the URL you see in the bar must say file:///…
      If you were to generate an AWR report from em using chrome and open it directly, I don’t think it will be a local file.
      2. You have to enable local URL access using a checkbox under Tools > Extensions > AWR Formatter
      3. You may need to restart Chrome. I’ve seen this in a few recent builds of Chrome. Odd.

  10. Jerry said

    Great tool! I noticed that sorting and filtering on numeric columns in the Top SQL Combined tab don’t work correctly when there’s a value with a comma, such as a total elapsed time of 1,257.73 seconds.

  11. PC said

    Thanks. After restarting chrome it works. Great tool!! Thanks again.

  12. Damir said

    Nice work!

  13. binaryrage said

    Tyler, awesome extension. I’d love to be able to dismiss popups by clicking back to the report, rather than clicking the x and I’ve noticed the table sorts seem wonky. Looking forward to the next version!

    • binaryrage said

      Ah, I should have said: the sort problems occur when values are in millions, they sort out of order, and blank values should be sorted to the bottom of the table to regardless of an ascending or descending sort, the rows of interest are at the top of the table.

  14. Matt said

    Excellent tool. Thanks so much for making this utility.

    If you plan to make future versions, then here are few features that can be very useful if incorporated:

    1. Ability to merge and visualize multiple AWR reports.
    2. Selective extraction of data into csvs. For instance, extracting only SQL and FileIO stats.

  15. I installed a Office Socket Solution with USB and Ethernet Ports to sort that untidy mess on my Desk…

    […]AWR Formatter 1.6 Released « Tyler Muth’s Blog[…]…

  16. Hi Tyler,

    Awesome tool !!

    Raheel Syed

  17. linkin khalid said


    can not download the tool, is that it is possible to email it to me : linkin_khalid@yahoo.fr


  18. James said


    I got following message while trying to install the extension. Could you add the app to the Chrome Web Store? Thanks.

    Extensions, apps, and user scripts can only be added from the Chrome Web Store.

  19. Tyler Muth said

    Direct installation of chrome extensions from 3rd party sites (not in the chrome store) was recently disabled by google to protect against malicious extensions. Here’s more information on the change: http://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2664769&p=crx_warning

    There is a workaround documented on that page:
    1. Download the extension file from the website and save it to your computer.
    2. Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
    3. Select Tools > Extensions.
    4. Locate the extension file on your computer and drag the file onto the Extensions page.
    5. Review the list of permissions in the dialog that appears. If you would like to proceed, click Install.

    I understand and support this move by google in light of the security risks. I will work to get this extension into the chrome web store (for free) next week. I’ve had a few emails asking why I don’t charge for it. While appreciate the compliment, it’s my desire to provide this utility for free to make AWR a bit more approachable. I also have a new version in the works, but there are only so many hours in the day…

  20. Hi Tyler,
    Thanks for such a useful Plugin. It rocks!
    Is there a big thing to port it for FireFox?
    I think also that Observations section can be improved, and you can use your blog community for that.
    As an example from me, I’ve got recently an AWR report with “Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 0.00” which indicates considerable resource contention while parsing.
    Unfortunatelly your pluging did not pick this up.
    For this particular issue you can add the following:
    “Low Value for this ratio is an indicator of latching problem. Investigate the latch sections in AWR report for contention on library cache and shared pool latches.”

    If you agree to implement further suggestion, I’ll share more of them here.

    — Kirill Loifman, dadbm.com

  21. gram said


    Any issue ? or workaround ?




  22. gram said

    it is ok know.
    very nice plugin 🙂

  23. syk said

    Thx Very Much. It helps me a lot. Nice Job!

  24. Kavita Dubey said

    I cannot install the app. I get this error: ‘Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website.’ I am using Chrome.

  25. Dana said


    I’ve been using the AWR Formatter constantly since 1.6. I highly recommend Oracle make this a standard feature. The Top SQL Combined tab with the extra pop-ups for manipulating SQL_ID’s has been invaluable. When I think value add tools, this is the best. Well done!!

  26. Rohit said

    Hi Tyler,

    I’m trying the link mentioned:
    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4131944/AWR-Format/AWR-Format.crx, but the link is not working for me. Is there any other way to get this plugin?

    • Rohit said

      I somehow downloaded the extension but when i’m trying to install it in chrome it gives error:
      “Package is invalid: CRX_Signature_Verification_Failed”.
      Can you please help me in this?

  27. FYI – Chrome has updated how it deals with non-chrome-store installs so just clicking the link above won’t work. You can still make it work by downloading the crx files and then dragging it onto the Extensions page. From Google’s support page (https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/2664769?p=crx_warning&rd=1):

    In Chrome, you can follow these steps to add the extension:

    Download the extension file from the website and save it to your computer.
    Click the Chrome menu icon on the browser toolbar.
    Select Tools > Extensions.
    Locate the extension file on your computer and drag the file onto the Extensions page.
    Review the list of permissions in the dialog that appears. If you would like to proceed, click Install.

  28. David Mann said

    Just installed this again today on a new laptop, this is one of my top 5 tools of all time!

  29. Tyler, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze put your extension up on the Chrome Web Store! It can no longer be used with Chrome and Chromium on Windows due to (not so recent) security restrictions that can’t be circumvented anymore. See here: http://blog.chromium.org/2013/11/protecting-windows-users-from-malicious.html
    Another cool move would be to make your code open source to enable the community to extend and port it (I’d love to have it in Firefox).
    Thanks again for your efforts, after three years the AWR formatter is still a vital part of my toolbox.
    Cheers, Uwe

    • Tyler Muth said

      Uwe et. al.

      I’ll try to move it to a public github repo as well as get it in the chrome store soon. I have 5+ days of meetings at HQ next week, then some vacation so it may be a bit…

      Thanks, Tyler


      • lanciao lang said

        hi tyler,
        your extension is so so so important to our daily work. can you help to make it available in the chrome web store? thanks so much.

  30. A tip for all the folks who need the formatter *now*: I resorted to an earlier version of “Iron Portable”, which is basically Chromium without Googles “phone home features”. I’m on v27 which can be downloaded on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Iron%20Portable/
    Just drop the .crx file on it and you’re ready to go again!

  31. Fabio said

    use the chrome canary, it works there! plase Tyler add support for and later…thanks

  32. Gerrit Haase said

    Hello, unfortunately, it is not possible anymore to install the extension, they don’t allow external extensions anymore. Can you please upload the extension to the Google app store?

  33. locuto said


    In Opera browser it works. 🙂


  34. locuto said

    You can unzip the .crx file extension and see the content.


  35. sachin said

    Hi Tyler,
    I am not able to enable it on my chrome. how to enable it?

    It is saying “This extension is not listed in the Chrome Web Store and may have been added without your knowledge”

    The Enable check box is greyed out for some reason.

    • aaj said

      Many times Google Chrome simply blocks some extension and we cannot use them any further or sometimes we need to install extensions which aren’t present on the Store. In such scenarios, we can test the Google Chrome Extension by loading unpacked Extension & Installing it in Google Chrome Developer mode. Here is the quick steps,

      – Download AWR-Format.crx (link provided in the above site).
      – Open using 7zip / Winzip and extract onto a folder.
      – Open manifest.json with notepad
      – Include the following text in the json
      “manifest_version”: 2,
      – Open Chrome Browser
      > Settings > More Tools > Extensions > Load unpacked extension
      Choose the location where you extracted (Step 2)

      And you are all set.
      Open the AWR with Chrome browser
      Click on Format AWR button

  36. Veasna MOK said

    Hi can you share a new link for awr formatter? the link provides return a 404 http error. Thanks you

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